Ideas need motivation

God’s wisdom is something mysterious that goes deep into the interior of his purposes. You don’t find it lying around on the surface. It’s not the latest message, but more like the oldest—what God determined as the way to bring out his best in us, long before we ever arrived on the scene. (I Corinthians 2:9)

Why do we study the Word of God? Isn't it because we want to get to know Jesus just a little bit better each day? We want to go 'deeper' in our relationship - not content to remain superficial in our devotion or dedication. We truly want to be disciples - ones who are taught and then who follow what it is they are taught. As I have said on numerous occasions, just being taught is one thing - actually following what we are taught is another. 

A disciple is more than a 'learner', though. A disciple is also a worshiper, servant to others, and one who is able to give witness to what God has done in their lives. We study to learn how God moves, what he desires of us, how he wants to use us, and even how to reveal his grace to others through our lives. We learn 'things about' God, but we also learn to 'experience' the heart of God. If you have ever had scripture move you to the point of tears, you probably have experienced the heart of God just a bit in that moment.

We don't find God's wisdom at some superficial level - we only find it when we dig a bit deeper ourselves. Why does God require us to 'dig in'? There is something in that investment of time, energy, and attention that happens deep within us. We begin to sense how the grace of God is changing something within - bringing us to the point of worshipers and witnesses. We are more than students (learners) at that point. We begin to be disciples of men - as Jesus put it to those he called all those years ago - we begin to be 'fishers of men'. 

Seeking hearts find deep satisfaction at the feet of Jesus. How many times have you desired something, but didn't know just what it was you wanted or needed? I can sit for periods of time knowing I desire to do something, but I am not sure what it is I should be doing. I have ideas, but I don't have the specific motivation to do something that matches those desires. It is in times of 'discipleship training' where we see our 'ideas' and 'motivations' begin to match up. We begin to walk out what we are taught. Don't forsake those times of deep searching - they are the times when God is taking your learning and turning it into movement. Just sayin!


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