Disturbed by a need

Follow My teachings and learn from Me. I am gentle and do not have pride. You will have rest for your souls. For My way of carrying a load is easy and My load is not heavy.” (Matthew 11:29-30)

We all have moments when we see needs, but we have no clue how to meet them. Things upset us, these things are right there in our face, many times making us mad, sad, and desiring to see something different as a result of some action we may take. When we are disturbed on behalf of God, we are oftentimes moved in the most significant ways. We may even embrace a calling in life as a result of the burden we bear over the matters that upset us. When we are bothered by something - the need is right there before us - we are likely going to see God impact the lives of people IF we put ourselves out there.

We don't have to have a formal position to meet a need if we possess a God-given passion over the need around us. We will make a difference if we follow the burden God places in our hearts. Seek God over the matter faithfully - not just once, or even twice - but repeatedly until you see the results. We may 'hurt' for the need on our hearts for a while, but as long as we are taking that 'hurt' to God for his wisdom and direction, we will be in the best place to receive the wisdom to know what to do. Talk with God about the need you see before you - frequently, deeply, in truth. In prayer, God will help you see his 'bigness' and his 'ability' to help with that burden.

Nothing is too small for God's heart. Nothing is too big for his power. If we have a heart and vision for the need, God wants to hear about it. There is power if prayer - time talking with God. Let God help you define the calling upon your life over the need. It needs to be very clear, but many times we begin with a very 'muddy' understanding of the need and how we may be involved in seeing that need met. It is in times of prayer that we get that clarity. God has a way of getting the 'mud' out of our vision. It only happens when we bring it before God and allow him to bring that clarity. 

God desires to not only carry that burden, but to help us see where we can be instrumental in his hands to meet that need. The burden comes because we are upset by what we see. The calling comes as we clarify that vision before him. Then we give him the burden - he carries it while we DO what he asks us to do. There is no need to carry the burden alone - it is HIS. We are HIS workers - it is never just OUR burden. If we pray on it long enough, we begin to see how he plans to use us to begin to engage in the need. Just sayin!


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