Time for a celebration

Hallelujah! Sing to God a brand-new song, praise him in the company of all who love him. Let all Israel celebrate their Sovereign Creator, Zion’s children exult in their King. Let them praise his name in dance; strike up the band and make great music! And why? Because God delights in his people, adorns plain folk with salvation garlands! (Psalm 149:4)

If God were to hear you sing to him - just to him - what would that song be today? Would it be a lamenting tune, focusing on all the woes of the world around you? Would it be a cheerful, warm, and happy tune, focusing on all God is doing to take care of you at this very moment? Would it be a worshipful song - one in which the focus is not so much what God is or has been doing, but on who he is? His name is worthy of praise. He is to be exalted - not for what he does, but for who he is - our Savior.

Celebrating God may seem foreign to some who have not grown up in a home where God was in the center of all that transpired. It may not be the easiest for those who have come through life challenges too innumerable and disgusting to admit have occurred. It may not be foremost in the mind of the one so consumed with the 'why me' questions that they fail to see God in the midst of the present calamity. That doesn't change the fact that God should be celebrated. Nothing will elevate our fallen and broken spirit or emotions more than raising our hands and voices in worship.

God has adorned us with all manner of beauty - even though we may not feel very beautiful at times. He has outfitted us with 'salvation garments' - the best fitting garments to be found. Think of them as 'grace garments' - one fitting so well upon the other until we are totally covered by his grace. That alone should cause us to exalt his name! Nothing 'ugly' or 'unbecoming' is left uncovered - it is transformed by the garment of grace. Celebrate grace today and in so doing, you will be celebrating God himself. Just sayin!


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