His faithfulness on our behalf

“Let me ask you something: What kind of action suits the Sabbath best? Doing good or doing evil? Helping people or leaving them helpless?” (Luke 6:9)

If Jesus just came right out and said, "Let me ask you something...", we wouldn't have to ask if the little voice we hear "mulling things over" in our minds was just us or if it was his Spirit speaking with us. We might just take a few more steps forward in confidence, step back when danger is imminent, and be so in tune with God's next steps that we never are out of touch with what he is doing. We get so bogged down in 'is that God' because our minds have a hard time wrapping themselves around the idea of God talking with mortal man. Maybe we just don't quite "buy into" what he is saying and doing in our lives, so we stand there finding a way to "discount" it. Either way, we often miss out on the best he has for us because we don't act upon what we hear!

There are times we come to God quite expectantly; at others, we find ourselves in the place where we might discover his awesome power if we would stop long enough to pay attention. Most of the time, God speaks to us in the everyday stuff we do. The discoveries we make about Jesus and his faithfulness in our lives are in the "everyday" stuff we walk through with him. Even in the "regular", we sometimes need to act a little "irregularly". God wants us to be faithful in the things he wants of us on a consistent basis. When we find ourselves consistent in our walk, perhaps we will also find ourselves in these moments when the "regular" becomes the "supernatural" in our day!

I know I have faltered on occasion - how about you? In those moments of 'faltering', we need to learn to just step out - for in the regular we find our opportunity to experience what we could only imagine apart from his power displayed on our behalf. God doesn't need our religious piety - he needs our heartfelt sincerity. He doesn't speak to our religious performance - he meets us in our deepest moments of need. He speaks in ways we may not notice because we are so intent on what we might believe will be the way he will act. If we just listen closely, we will hear his call to come forward. In that moment, his faithfulness on our behalf is made alive in our need. Just sayin!


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