As surefooted as a deer

I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights. (Habakkuk 3:18-19)

I have observed the deer upon the mountain sides, almost traversing the narrowest of trails with the greatest of ease. They seem to have 'suction cups' upon their feet, holding them upright while ascending very treacherous paths. Have you ever wanted to be just like the deer? Treading on paths that seem impassable, easing your way upward until you reach the top, not even concerned about the narrowness of the path you are on? We can 'tread' this narrow path with 'surefooted ease' when Jesus is at the center of our lives.

To be surefooted as a deer means we are able to stand firm, with a strength that defies the pressures put upon us, to actually know where to go and when to move in that direction. It also means we will know what to do, and when to do it - never really questioning the timing or the direction. I'd like to say I am as surefooted as a deer, but there are times I don't always match that definition! I can question his timing, wonder about the path I am on, and even balk a bit at the pressures I am feeling at that moment. I think we all want to be surefooted in our faith, like the deer, but find ourselves stumbling around a bit from time to time.

If you have ever watched a deer in the wild, you likely have observed a little bit of their gracefulness. They seem to just go about their daily business, undisturbed by things around them, and able to avoid hazards galore. They are 'ever-vigilant' in their observations - knowing when to move and when it is safe to stay where they are. They are wary of 'outsiders' who interlope into their territory and are swift to move on when it seems those interlopers are not likely to leave anytime soon!

Maybe we need to be a little more like the deer - swift to move on when things come our way that act as 'interlopers' in our lives. Perhaps we need to be a little more 'vigilant' in our observations, able to spot those interlopers quickly and respond appropriately to their presence. If we were to operate that way, we might find ourselves moving out of the way of the things that could 'trip us up' a little quicker and moving into places of safety once again. Just sayin!


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