Even the smallest act

The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of one's self to others. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)

...be an example to the believers with your words, your actions, your love, your faith, and your pure life ...continue to read the Scriptures to the people, strengthen them, and teach them. Use the gift you have... Continue to do those things; give your life to doing them so your progress may be seen by everyone. Be careful in your life and in your teaching. If you continue to live and teach rightly, you will save both yourself and those who listen to you. (I Timothy 4:12-16)

We are not put on this earth to live as we might please, but to live as it pleases God. In living in such a manner, we will find that we will be drawn to the needs of others, finding ways to minister to that need as we are able. Why? We are following the example given by Jesus and being living instruments of grace. We are to use the gifts we have been given - not for our own edification, but for the building up and restoration of others. 

In all manner of 'living', there is some form of 'teaching' that occurs. It might not be that we stand before a class and instruct from a book, but we 'instruct' with our actions (our daily lives). God asks that we 'live' in such a way that our 'instruction' will guide others to seek truth and to find relationship with him. We become instruments of grace, not so much by 'preaching the Word', but living the Word out in our daily lives.

How do we strengthen each other? It may be in small ways at first, but as we get 'better' at living with others in mind, not focusing on ourselves all the time, we find 'bigger' ways to be a blessing in the lives of those around us. What has God called you to do today in the life of another? Pray for them? Spend time helping them with something around their house? Bringing them a meal? Small steps result in big rewards, friends! Take even the smallest step today in obedience to what God prompts and see what amazing blessing he will bring to each of your lives! Just sayin!


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