A person of great privilege

Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. (Romans 5:1-2)

We don't 'get right' with God - we are 'made right' with him. This work is accomplished by faith, never by our works. All that was needed to make us right with God was done by Christ Jesus. One of the things we may miss in this passage is this 'place of undeserved privilege' we each enjoy as a result of Christ's finished work on the cross. We might think a person of 'privilege' enjoys extreme wealth, social standing, and easy access to things they want or need. We wouldn't be far off with this definition, except for that part about 'social standing'. Being a Christian doesn't always elevate us to the top of the social charts, does it? In fact, there may even be a 'slippage' in our 'social standing' with friends or family just because we make the choice to be a follower of Christ.

Then Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “God blesses you who are poor, for the Kingdom of God is yours. God blesses you who are hungry now, for you will be satisfied. God blesses you who weep now,
for in due time you will laugh. What blessings await you when people hate you and exclude you and mock you and curse you as evil because you follow the Son of Man. When that happens, be happy! Yes, leap for joy! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. (Luke 6:20-23)

Will the followers of Christ choose him for the wealth and fame, or for some other reason? I believe it is the latter, for in choosing Christ, we make a choice to live a life of service, not one of being served. Am I saying a believer will not have earthly wealth? Not at all, but they will not be motivated by it, or live for the accumulation of that wealth. Am I saying the believer will not have 'easy access' to the things they need? Absolutely not - for Christ cares for each of our needs as though they were his own. What I am saying is that a believer is not seeking more from this world, but they are seeking to enjoy more of God's goodness and grace in their lives. Their focus is not on what the world affords them in the way of fame, wealth, or enjoyment, but rather on the peace, love, and hope God brings as we press into him.

We actually enjoy an 'undeserved privilege' right here and now, but we live far below that privilege in Christ Jesus. Why? We seek what the world offers us before we seek to enjoy more of this privilege. It all comes down to where it is we find our fulfillment - joy, peace, and hope. If it is in the things of this world, we will live very disappointed lives. If it is in Christ, we shall soar high above whatever this world affords. Just sayin!


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