Give today what you may need tomorrow

Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is no excuse for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things. We know that God is right to judge everyone who behaves in this way. Do you really think God won’t punish you, when you behave exactly like the people you accuse? You surely don’t think much of God’s wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Don’t you know that the reason God is good to you is because he wants you to turn to him? (Romans 2:1-4)

It is much easier to look at someone else and then find fault with what THEY are doing rather than finding fault with what YOU are doing. We don't like having to take an introspective look to see that we could be at the heart of the issue! Truth be told, when we find issue with others it is usually because we can find issue with ourselves, but we just don't want to focus on that! Scripture is plain - when we stand in the place of accusing others of what we do ourselves, we are judging ourselves! We actually are passing the verdict on our own behavior without even recognizing we have done it! Even when we are naive about our own "guilt" in the matter, God has prepared a way of grace to help us deal with our own sin! Pointing out another's faults is really not doing us any good - but sometimes when we consider why we might be doing this, we find a reflection coming back at us which shows we are guilty of the same kind of things. It gives us a chance to repent of those actions and to fall fully into the arms of God's grace! How great would it be if we reflected back that grace to the person we are finding fault with?

God's goodness is extended to us - all we need to do is fall fully into it. When you finally take the leap, you are letting go of your fears. You are launching yourself fully into God's hands and there is no turning back. Life doesn't have a rewind button! When we make the decision to fall fully into God's grace, we are taking a plunge which has no "rewind button"! God's grace envelops us and then acclimates us to the feeling of that grace! You might be surprised at how quickly your soul and spirit acclimate to the richness of this grace. God wants us to turn fully toward him. Instead of looking at what others do wrong, look at what we might do right in this life! We "do right" when we rely upon the redeeming grace of God to keep us focused on what he desires of "US". We step out of the place reserved for the judge or the jury - we become the one who is on trial. We find ourselves relying upon the leniency of the "court" - so to speak! 

Grace is never deserved - but it is so often needed and yearned for deep within our souls. We can be instruments of judgment or grace - the choice we make toward the actions of another are important. Remember, the grace you give today might just be the grace you need tomorrow. Just sayin!


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