Be present today

For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” (2 Corinthians 5:19-20)

Christ did the work of redemption, but he uses ordinary, everyday folks who have given their hearts to him to invite others to serve him, as well. We bring the message: "Come back to God" - he does the work of preparing the heart to hear and respond to the message. Sometimes I think we might believe pastors, preachers, and Bible teachers are responsible to deliver that message, but nothing could be further from the truth. WE are called - WE are made ambassadors of reconciliation - WE are instruments of his grace to a hurting world.

God makes the appeal, but do we 'seal the deal'? Nope! Even that is God's work - we just bring the message. Does the message have to be spoken? Not always - God can use our lives as a testimony of his grace and restorative power. If you have ever seen a life changed by the grace and power of God, you know just how powerful that example can be to someone who is challenged by life's hurts and hang-ups. If we allow God to 'speak through us' as living testimonies of his goodness, there is no end to what could be accomplished in his name!

We speak FOR Christ. We don't speak INSTEAD of Christ. The message we bring isn't our own, but the testimony of how God has changed our lives is ours. We can share what he has done, leaving the work of drawing others to him in his hands. We aren't the Holy Spirit - it is not our job to convict others of their sin. We simply proclaim truth in a loving manner, then let the Holy Spirit do the work of bringing a change of heart to the one who hears it. We don't have to be eloquent in our words to proclaim truth - much of God's truth is simple - he loves us, he desires relationship with us, and he has provided everything we need in order to enter into that relationship with him. We simply say "yes" to the invitation.

How will God use you as an ambassador today? Where will he use you? Will it be through a post on social media, or an in-person conversation at the checkout counter? What will you share through your actions today that may give others who are struggling with hurts, hang-ups, and habits that will give them hope of a different future? Your testimony is louder than your words, goes beyond your perceived 'limitations', and is the exact instrument God desires to use. Just sayin!


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