Living, Breathing Temples

Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s! (Psalm 103:2-5)

Praise God will ALL your heart - mind, will, and emotions. There are just times when we don't 'feel' like worshipping, aren't there? Hit your thumb with a hammer and your thoughts may gravitate toward complaint and your emotions are probably all over the board. Get a bill you didn't expect just when you were planning to make that purchase of something you really wanted, and your mind will start racing to see just how you can fenagle both! Mind, will, and emotions can get caught up so easily at times, but then when it comes to spending time with God, we might just find ourselves dragging our feet a bit, taking our 'dear sweet time' to 'get into' that time!

To be honest, God doesn't always equate 'praise' with the words we speak, or the 'quietness' of the moment. Never forget the good things he does for you - this is a clue about worship. We find the blessing in the moment, whether casting our rod at the shoreline on a fishing trip or creating a wooden box for a friend in the wood shop. Praise considers the blessing of the moment - never forgetting each moment is planned by God. We choose to enjoy the moment, or to wish it away. The mind, will, and emotions can do a great deal 'in the moment', or they can make the moment miserable. The choice is ours.

After a hard day in the workshop, on my feet the whole time, lifting this or that, I can 'hurt' in my physical body. It makes me never want to take for granted the blessing of a day without a backache or sore feet! I mess up from time to time, saying what I shouldn't, doing what should have been left 'undone', or taking for granted some blessing God has provided in my life. In other words, I need his forgiveness. I don't want to ever stop considering the blessing of grace. How about you?

Never forget - it is more than a motto. It is to be a lifestyle that is exemplified by us not taking the moment for granted. It is given by God, used by us, and it if used wisely, it is a blessing back to God. Our lives are to be vessels of praise and thanksgiving. Our actions are to reflect back his grace. Our attitude is to shine forth his goodness. Our thoughts are to create an atmosphere where his presence is welcomed and embraced. In so doing, we aren't having to 'stop to praise', but our lives are 'living, breathing temples of praise'. Just sayin!


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