Pray because of who he is

"Never limit your prayers because you think you are sinful or undeserving. You're not praying because of who you are - you are praying because of who he is." (Missional Women Facebook

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

We cannot let the 'hugeness' of our sin, impending disaster, or difficulty stand in our way of coming to God with our need. If we waited until we were 'worthy' of his grace or goodness, we'd wait an eternity. God's grace makes a way of approach - his goodness makes provision for our biggest need - PERIOD.

Be strong and courageous may seem like an odd verse to consider when thinking about approaching God with our need, but I think it fits the bill entirely. Why? God isn't after timidity - he is seeking to make us bold in his power, strong in his might, and ever certain of his presence with us. Our 'condition' means we need to be in his presence. Our 'need' means we need to seek his grace and goodness.

Wherever you go - whatever you face. God isn't just a God for the difficult times - he desires for us to approach with this boldness each and every time we enter into prayer. If we limit our prayer time to those times when we find life too difficult, we are likely trying to live life on our terms, in our own strength, and within our own abilities. There is no more desolate place than that wilderness known as 'self-assured'!

God's instruction is clear. "So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most." (Hebrews 4:16) Come boldly, come as often as you need, don't be afraid to ask this time and the next. There is no limit on his grace. There are no set words we must use. We just come, talk things out with him, and let him speak to us. Just sayin!


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