
Showing posts with the label Arguments

Be Jesus

Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing.  For the Scriptures say, “If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it. (I Peter 3:8-11) We improve our relationship to Jesus through time in the Word and in prayer. We can get down to improving our relationship with others only after we get our relationship with Christ right. Mom always used to say I was to treat others as I wanted them to treat me - the Golden Rule. The only way to treat others right is to be sure the 'rightness of our heart' is maintained through time with Jesus. T

God, let's argue for a bit

We began to explore the importance of planning yesterday, but today I would like for us to consider the advantages of making the right plans. We can make all sorts of plans, but if they aren't the right ones for us, will they be 'backed up' by the eternal God? Not likely. Why? He doesn't want us operating in a vacuum. He doesn't need our dependence as much as he needs our yielded heart. We aren't being made into puppets when we rely upon him to help us with the plans - we are learning how to rely on a perspective much greater than our own! Remember...God's plans are for us know and live in peace; to not embrace evil; and to give us a future that is filled with hope. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Eternal, “plans for peace, not evil, to give you a future and hope—never forget that. At that time, you will call out for Me, and I will hear. You will pray, and I will listen. You will look for Me intently, and you will find Me. ( Jeremiah 29:11-1

No argument here

Robert Quillen was a journalist in the early 20th century with what many called a great sense of humor.  One of the things he was quoted as saying really did not have much humor in it, but gives one pause to think for just a moment about how profound his wisdom really was.  He said, "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance."  For those of you given to debating truth, this may come as a little bit of a strike in the face, for the basis of debate is argument.  There is nothing which needs to be debated about the truth, for the truth stands without anyone arguing for or against it.  It is truth - and truth stands regardless of the arguments raised against it, not needing anyone to argue for it.  Proclaim it - yes; argue it - no.   To step between two people arguing is as foolish as going out into the street and grabbing a stray dog by the ears. (Proverbs 26:17 ERV) Dale Carnegie said, "The only way to get the best of an argumen

Don't just stick your finger in the leak!

In high school, one of the offered extra-curricular activities was debate team. You could join a group of other boys and girls who liked to present the arguments to a particular topic - some pro and others con to whatever the topic might be.  In a short period of time, you were presented with the subject and then you needed to be willing to take to the podium to present your side of the argument.  In reality, we don't always "think on our feet" all that quickly in most of the real life situations, nor are we given any real chance to prepare for whatever argument we are faced with.  In debate team, they taught you to not spend a great deal of time researching the topic and preparing your "outline" of responses, but you could perhaps write out a series of 5 one word "points" you were going to make in response.  For example, if you were asked to stand on the "pro" side of charter schools, you might write 5 one to two word "prompts" to

God, I give you the fool...

A long time ago, I thought the only way to deal with foolish individuals was to talk them out of their foolishness.  Let me be the first to confess - the only thing this did was make a fool of me!  Why?  Fools cannot be talked out of their foolishness - they need an up-front and personal encounter with Jesus - not with my reasoning, rationalization, or even arguments which point out all the ways contrary to the ways they have chosen to act. This is why you won't find me debating with those who show up on my doorstep to "win me over" to their faith. I will simply state that I am a follower of Christ, very pleased with this deeply personal relationship I share with him, and have my hope of salvation pretty well "nailed down".  If this peaks their interest, I certainly will go on to share why it is I have this hope, but I don't spend hours debating with them why their "religion" is flawed.  I need to simply state the truth for the hope which I have w