God, let's argue for a bit

We began to explore the importance of planning yesterday, but today I would like for us to consider the advantages of making the right plans. We can make all sorts of plans, but if they aren't the right ones for us, will they be 'backed up' by the eternal God? Not likely. Why? He doesn't want us operating in a vacuum. He doesn't need our dependence as much as he needs our yielded heart. We aren't being made into puppets when we rely upon him to help us with the plans - we are learning how to rely on a perspective much greater than our own! Remember...God's plans are for us know and live in peace; to not embrace evil; and to give us a future that is filled with hope.

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Eternal, “plans for peace, not evil, to give you a future and hope—never forget that. At that time, you will call out for Me, and I will hear. You will pray, and I will listen. You will look for Me intently, and you will find Me. (Jeremiah 29:11-13 VOICE)

Let me just start by admitting there are lots of times when God and I are not on the same page. You may not think that to be true, but let me assure you - I do my share of arguing with God. I argue that he doesn't know what is really happening. I also argue that he doesn't hear me when I am calling out. Have you been there? At the place where you are tempted to do things you own way because you are convinced God doesn't really know what is going on, or that he is taking too long to shed some of his 'perspective' on the matter? I think we all get there now and again, but it is what we do with the arguments that make all the difference in the outcome.

When I find myself arguing with God I have to ask myself why I find the need to argue so important in this matter. In stopping long enough to acknowledge that I am arguing with God, then to ask myself why it is I feel the need to argue my point on the matter, I often discover that God is about to break open something within me that I am going to not like to begin with, but in the end I am going to really appreciate he did! You have heard me admit on more than one occasion that God only disturbs our present because he is about to do something big with our future. Sometimes I argue about the present because I have no eye on the future.

There is no sin in admitting you are struggling with a decision, or that the circumstances seem to be way more than you were hoping you'd have to deal with right now. There is no sin in 'making your case', but there is a sin in demanding your way over God's. The more we demand our way, the more God will allow us to see where that gets us. If we want to avoid all this in the first place, we might come at our 'arguments' a little differently. Instead of arguing your point with God, ask him to hear you out, then show you where it is you are not seeing things correctly. Where is it your perception has become blurred by your own desires, pride, or lust? 

If you pray that kind of prayer, watch out! You will not like some of the answers you receive because God is going to show you and you might not like how well he knows exactly what is in your heart! This is a dangerous way to pray, but it is an essential way to pray. We need to be honest with God and he needs to be honest with us. We cannot expect him to support our way if it is the wrong one for us! Just sayin!


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