
Showing posts with the label Enter

Knock, Knock, Who's There?

I am kind of a 'silent' person at times. My BFF will query me just to be sure I am doing okay. Because I know she is concerned for not only my emotional well-being, but my total well-being, I appreciate these little 'check-ins' from time to time. She knows I can get deep into thought, ruminating over things that have been giving me concern from time to time. Sometimes I let her know all is well - I just needed to be still for a while - to regroup and renew a little. I think God knows we need these times of stillness to just regroup - spiritually, emotionally, and physically. They are times when we find ourselves emptied of what doesn't really matter and filled with what does! Silence is praise to you, Zion-dwelling God, and also obedience. You hear the prayer in it all. (Psalm 65:1-2) The "prayer in it all" is the key because we come to understand God hears both our silence and our spoken word. We can never forget the third thing he "hears" - our

Making the right contact

An introduction goes a long way in the business world, doesn't it? Make that right contact and the doors will open to new opportunities and greater potential for your career. The moment the contact is made, the things set in motion may not be fully known, but the momentum has begun. My dad was a great one at making contacts in the business world. He could connect with people like no other - all with what appeared to be the greatest of ease. He was just comfortable in his own skin and he let others be comfortable in theirs! There is one connection we all can make that helps us beyond measure - it is the contact we make with the one and only Son of God. Without that contact, the doors we need opened won't be opened! This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accus

Watch your step!

We are so blessed to live in a country where we can worship freely. There are still a multitude of people in this world who must live 'undercover' because of their belief in Jesus Christ - because it is not a 'permitted' religion within the country where they reside. The places of worship for these individuals are sometimes the tiny living rooms of a group of believers where someone opens the meeting with prayer, shares a thing or two from the scripture, all the while longing for a trained pastor to be their shepherd. In some senses, those believers are closely worshiping together in much the same way the early church did - or even as the nation of Israel did until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem. They open their homes, gather under a large tree in shade of the day, or find a shelter somewhere just so they can be together and share from the Word of God. This is the heart that drives them - not that they have to 'go to' church - for they 'are' the c

Enter and Enjoy

Come  to  me  and I will give you rest—all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear my yoke—for it fits perfectly—and let  me  teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you only light burdens.”   (Matthew 11:28 TLB) You know that every now and again I share some lyrics from a song I find speaks to me, or is just one I like because the song lifts my soul and spirit into the presence of God. Today is one of those days when I feel compelled to share one of my favorite songs from Sidewalk Prophets - "Come to the Table". The intent is for us to get only a highlight a few things from this song. If you'd like the complete lyrics, please go to the link at the bottom of the post and enjoy! The song begins with a statement: " We all start on the outside - the outside looking in. This is where grace begins. " Oh, these words are so very true - we ALL begin on the outside looking in - hungry for grace's sa