Enter and Enjoy

Come to me and I will give you rest—all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear my yoke—for it fits perfectly—and let me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you only light burdens.” 
(Matthew 11:28 TLB)

You know that every now and again I share some lyrics from a song I find speaks to me, or is just one I like because the song lifts my soul and spirit into the presence of God. Today is one of those days when I feel compelled to share one of my favorite songs from Sidewalk Prophets - "Come to the Table". The intent is for us to get only a highlight a few things from this song. If you'd like the complete lyrics, please go to the link at the bottom of the post and enjoy!

The song begins with a statement: "We all start on the outside - the outside looking in. This is where grace begins." Oh, these words are so very true - we ALL begin on the outside looking in - hungry for grace's satisfying filling. We want more than we ever imagine possible, but don't even know the half of what it is we will receive when we enter in! Grace begins where looking stops and we enter in. Too many times we settle for looking in when the invitation is not to just "look", but experience firsthand the fullness and enjoyment of his grace. Grace is not just something to be admired - it is to be incorporated into every part of our lives and that means we have to enter in if we are to enjoy it fully.

A few words from the chorus of the song: "He said come to the table. Come join the sinners who have been redeemed. Take you place beside the Savior. Sit down and be set free." Sit down and be set free. There are times I think we believe the way to freedom is to do more. Freedom begins when we stop "doing" and allow grace to begin the work of helping us lay down those things that held us bound for so long - sometimes without us even recognizing how "bound" we were! It all begins with the "come" and doesn't end until we are free from all that we bring as we come. The only action on our part is to enter in - all has been prepared in advance of our need for grace - to enjoy, we must take the first step inside that doorway.

A little further into the song, the words touch me each and every time I hear them: "There's no one unwelcome here. So that sin and shame that you brought with you, you can leave it at the door. Let mercy draw you near." Mercy has a way of beckoning the hurting - the worn, the shamed, the "misfits" of sin's aftermath. There is little that can keep us apart from his grace - the only thing standing between us and his grace is US! As soon as we enter in, he meets with us right where we are and in that moment, the "misfit" condition of our souls is transformed from being an "outsider" of his grace to being "on the inside track"! Nothing is more evident than our need. Nothing is more available than his grace. Just sayin!



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