Audrey Hepburn once said, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible'!" Did you ever make that correlation with the spelling of that word? I never did! When you stop to think about what we can see all around us, you might just get the impression some pretty "impossible" things have actually been accomplished. Huge ships sail the seas without even so much as looking like they will capsize or sink under their enormous structure. Planes filled with people traverse this world daily while unbelievably overcoming gravity's pull. Tiny babies are birthed from wombs everywhere, human and animal alike, formed somehow from the single cell of life which took form some weeks or months before. Yep, life itself screams, "I'm possible"! You leave us breathless when Your awesome works answer us by putting everything right. God of our liberation—You are the hope of all creation, from the far corners of the earth to distant li...