Audrey Hepburn once said, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible'!" Did you ever make that correlation with the spelling of that word? I never did!  When you stop to think about what we can see all around us, you might just get the impression some pretty "impossible" things have actually been accomplished.  Huge ships sail the seas without even so much as looking like they will capsize or sink under their enormous structure.  Planes filled with people traverse this world daily while unbelievably overcoming gravity's pull. Tiny babies are birthed from wombs everywhere, human and animal alike, formed somehow from the single cell of life which took form some weeks or months before.  Yep, life itself screams, "I'm possible"!

You leave us breathless when Your awesome works answer us by putting everything right. God of our liberation—You are the hope of all creation, from the far corners of the earth to distant life-giving oceans. With immense power, You erected mountains. Wrapped in strength, You compelled choppy seas, crashing waves, and crowds of people to sit in astonished silence.  Those who inhabit the boundaries of the earth are awed by Your signs, strong and subtle hints of Your indelible presence. Even the dawn and dusk respond to You with joy. (Psalm 65:5-8 VOICE)

For a moment, consider how rivers are formed.  At some point, water wishes an escape from some place it has been bound.  Either it comes from high into the mountains as ice begins to melt, leaving trickles of water flowing downward with gravity's pull, finding each other, forming slow, but deliberate flows of water.  In short order, otherwise immovable objects direct the course of that flow one way or another, until they find the path they can traverse once again. For that flow of water, even the largest of obstacles cannot hold it back, for even the biggest of man-made dams designed for just this purpose have 'outlets' from which water in "manageable" amounts flow downstream of that dam.  It appears to all who observe the path of that water, nothing is impossible!

Explorers saw the passage of great bodies of water as impossible.  Settlers saw the vast barrenness of regions as uninhabitable and therefore impossible to ever settle. Scientists saw the expanses of space as unknown and beyond reach, thereby labeling the discoveries of those planets as impossible.  Children in schools everywhere see one math problem as just impossible to ever understand, while others see the conjugation of a verb an equal impossibility.  In all senses of the word "impossible", mankind has been proved wrong!  Those seas were passable, the land was deemed livable, the planets have slowly been discovered, and the mysteries of math and language have been embraced.  By the very essence of existence, impossibility is undone!

Indeed, those who inhabit the boundaries of this earth are awed by the "impossibilities" of God's creative power and majestic presence.  All of creation calls out, "I AM".  No wonder God used this term to describe himself to Moses in the burning bush.  We serve the God who describes himself as "I AM that I AM".  Meaning he is the one who was, is, will be, and is forever.  He never "started", he always "continues", he never "ends", and he will be for all of "eternity".  No wonder he reminds us that with HIM all things are possible! As I see it, the "I AM" indwells his creation, making all that "I AM" is possible within that creation!  That means all things are possible and nothing is an impossibility in our lives. That might be a radical thought for some, but so was the maiden voyage of the largest sailing vessel of the day, or the first flight into space all those years ago now.  When we limit ourselves to what "I" can do instead of embracing the power of the "I AM" who indwells us, we are indeed only able to see the obstacles in our path!  Just sayin!


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