Out of words

Have you ever found yourself at a total loss for words? Something or someone just left you speechless - finding nothing you could say that would lend to the moment? It isn't often that I find myself in that spot, but when I do, it kind of makes me take 'double-notice' of whatever it is that influenced me. Why? If something or someone is capable of getting me to the point where no words can possibly share what I am experiencing, then I either need to celebrate the joy of that moment, or run for the hills because the thing is so evil I shouldn't be around it any longer!

Blessed are you who give yourselves over to God, turn your backs on the world’s “sure thing,” ignore what the world worships; the world’s a huge stockpile of God-wonders and God-thoughts.  Nothing and no one comes close to you! I start talking about you, telling what I know, and quickly run out of words. Neither numbers nor words account for you. (Psalm 40:4-5 MSG)

Look around you and you are sure to see all kinds of things that beg to be noticed. God's wonders aren't there for our casual consideration - they are put into our lives because they reveal a little bit more about him than we might have considered on our own. Take for example the clouds in the sky. As they pass over the sun, the light is obliterated - maybe not totally, but for whatever time the sun is behind those clouds, the light is just a little dimmer. Maybe these clouds are a lesson to us to not let anything get between God and us - because whatever it might be, the only purpose it serves is to obliterate the light of God in our lives!

The tiny bud on a plant beginning to take the form of a tomato or pepper. Do you ever stop to consider just how that transformation speaks to us of the tender care needed to bring forth fruit in due season? Or the importance of watching for those small, cleverly disguised things that creep in under cover and begin to destroy that developing fruit? Those tiny green worms that come on the tomato plant, for example, don't send up fireworks and red flares announcing their arrival. You probably don't even notice they are there until you inspect UNDER the leaves. They are camouflaged until they are uncovered. Sin is kind of like that - creeping in with the little compromises - and not fully recognized until God turns over the leaves of our lives to expose what has begun to do so much damage within.

Consider the birds of the air and how quickly they can take flight. Yet not all of their flight is quick or swift. Some birds find those currents of air they can just 'drift upon' and spend endless hours just circling and circling. We might be quick to 'take flight', but if all that flight just leaves us circling and circling in aimless repetitive 'inaction', we are not really getting anywhere. We may be 'at ease' and enjoying the moment of aimless drifting, but in the end, we won't be any further along than we were before we took that flight!

Yes, words can escape us, but consider all the wonders God gives us and you might just find there is much to be discovered as you do! Just sayin! 


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