
Showing posts with the label Illusion

No illusion here

A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.   (Saul Bellow)  How much time and energy do people put into creating the 'perfect illusion' in life? In this climate of a fast approaching election season, there are men and women working overtime to create the right 'illusion' of the perfect candidate. I think there are a lot of good politicians out there, but let me just tell you that not all we see in the 'advertisements' are spot on. They are 'highlights' of what they think people want to see and hear, aren't they? They are the 'illusion' - but not always the 'reality'. Let me tell you this - people have a way of creating an illusion a whole lot quicker than they find the courage to be totally transparent. Live in peace with each other. Do not act or think with pride. Be happy to be with poor people. Keep yourself from thinking you are so wise. When someone does something bad to you, do ...

Considering Veneers?

There are “friends” who pretend to be friends, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24) There is an optical illusion about every person we meet. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) What is the 'illusion' you are displaying right this very minute? Regardless of how 'genuine' you believe yourself to be, there are just times when you 'put on display' something quite different from what is really going on inside. It is kind of hard to be 'genuine' all the time - especially around those you may not know very well, or trust very deeply. When you do find that individual you feel totally comfortable around, I would challenge you to ask yourself the question about what you still portray as an 'optical illusion', even in that very close relationship. At first, you might just say there is nothing you keep from that individual, but let me ask you if you have ever tried to keep something from God. If the answer is 'yes' to that on...