Am I being targeted?

If God were to point out something in your life that needs a little changing, what would that be? My attitude stinks at times toward certain people or situations and that needs a little adjustment to get back into alignment. On other occasions, my commitments get pretty overwhelming, requiring an adjustment in my schedule. At still others, my physical health requires some attention because I have let myself pack on some pounds again, or backed off on the healthier eating choices. God isn't going to point out stuff that doesn't really matter in the scheme of things. While the attitude adjustment may not seem all that important to you, he knows it is important to me because to continue with that attitude 'out of whack' would mean I might allow bitterness to take root - when that issue roots, the fruit begins to be pretty bitter, as well! God isn't pointing things out just to make us feel 'guilty' or 'ashamed'. He wants only the best for his kids, so he 'parents' us with an eye on those things that will have an influence on how we 'grow up' in his family.

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts. Point out anything you find in me that makes you sad, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. (Psalm 139:23-24 TLB)

As I said, it isn't that God is 'made sad' by the stuff we do that needs a little changing in our lives. It is that he knows exactly how that 'stuff' will make it more difficult to find and stay on the path of life! The path of life he has planned for us to travel isn't one of heartache, remorse, or regret. He wants us to travel the path of joy, peace, and assurance. That said, any time he takes advantage of those moments when we will actually tune in and listen for his voice, he might just use those words that seem to bring conviction into our lives - these are his parenting moments. He is revealing his love in more than the warm fuzzies - he is revealing it in the moment of discipline, instruction, oversight, and encouragement. While all of life isn't going to be filled with 'parenting moments' per se, when they come, we need to tune in and listen just a little closer!

It takes a certain amount of courage to actually ask God to point out any area in our life that actually isn't going the way he'd like to see it go. It takes a certain amount of stubbornness to NOT ask him to point out these areas, as well! I can be as stubborn as the next gal - not wanting the stuff that needs attention to be focused on because it might just mean I will experience a few 'growing pains' if they are! Since God's desire in 'parenting' us is to actually get us gracefully through life's challenge, we can probably count on the fact there will come moments when we don't always 'like' him for pointing out those areas that need adjustment. Although his desire is to gracefully move us from one path to another, our impression may be that we are being targeted and his 'pointer' finger isn't letting up!

Remember God's desire in parenting isn't to scold his kids. It is to bring graceful transition from one phase of growth into the next. There will inevitably be growing pains along the way - count on it. Yet, no good growth actually takes place without oversight and a whole lot of work. God's style of parenting isn't to dictate our path, but he will challenge us to consider any path we take that is outside of the areas he has prepared for our good growth! Just sayin!


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