What is your impact?

You are bigger than your job, that bank account, or the followers you have amassed on social media. The people you impact are much more powerful than the things you accomplish in this lifetime. View others as more important than yourselves and you might just see just how big your impact can be. There is nothing wrong with having a good career, or a solid bank account. The issue comes when we make these the goal and not just one of the 'means' by which we allow God to accomplish great things in and through our lives!

Even the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom. Even the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. Brothers and sisters, God chose you to be his. Think about that! Not many of you were wise in the way the world judges wisdom. Not many of you had great influence, and not many of you came from important families. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. He chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. (I Corinthians 1:25-27)

God chooses differently than we do, doesn't he? We want a good chance of winning the game, so we choose those skilled in running the ball, executing the plays, and challenging the opponent. We want to grow our investments, so we choose to align our capital in places where it will have the greatest growth opportunity, not always knowing what is behind the companies we are backing by those investments. God chooses the weak - not the strong. Why? Maybe it is because the 'strong' are relying on the wrong thing in life to make it through tough stuff. That makes sense, but why does God choose the foolish to confound the wise?

That doesn't make sense, does it? If we take the literal meaning of foolish, then we wonder why God would take those who show a lack of good sense, judgment, and discretion and do anything good at all through their lives! What is being said here is that God takes what others view as 'insignificant' and uses it to bring glory to his name. We are each 'insignificant' in one way or another and God choose to use us exactly where we are and as we are for his glory. This is what God does - he uses the weak to defeat the strong and the insignificant to tear down the proud.

The impact we have on people begins with the impact God has in our lives. The more we take his grace in, the more we will find our impact in this world. Our impact isn't in what we accomplish, but in what God accomplishes first IN us and then THROUGH us. Just sayin!


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