The best

How many times do we find ourselves hoping we have been able to "get in on a good thing"? Indeed, it is inevitable - we miss the "window of opportunity" by a fraction of time! If only we had been a little quicker on the uptake! Getting in on the best might mean we have to be in the right place at the right time, or know the right people and make more right connections. The fact is that rarely are we in the 'right place' with the 'right people' making the 'right connections' 100% of the time! We want to live protected lives, but we aren't within the shelter we need to be under. We want to live fulfilled lives, but we aren't doing the things that fulfill us to the fullest. If we want in on the "best", we have to be in a place where we can achieve the "best".

The Lord protects pure people all their life. Their reward will continue forever. When trouble comes,
good people will not be destroyed. When times of hunger come, good people will have plenty to eat. (Psalm 37:18-19)

Just a littler earlier in this psalm, we are reminded we need to have our trust in the right things. Being in right relationship with God is the most critical 'right thing' we can do - we are to settle down and stick to our commitment to live under his shelter! If we view our salvation as nothing more than a ticket out of hell, we miss out on the tremendous blessing of learning to follow close to Christ - learning what makes his heart beat. There is much more to God's protection than a safe passage out of hell - out of the things that aren't beneficial in our lives! There is the day-to-day experience of learning at his feet, surrendering our desires into his hands, and seeing him take them to levels we had never imagined possible.

It is as we keep company with God that we are in a position to not only know the 'best', but to live the 'best'. The company we keep determines the course we take - there is a direct correlation between the company we seek and the choices we make in life. This is why our mothers constantly told us to beware of certain friends! Do you remember ever hearing mom or dad, or a wise counselor in your life ask the question, "If your friends jump off a bridge, are you going to do the same?" If you heard this you are probably among millions who have heard the same thing at least once! They were trying to warn us away from the utter silliness of just going along with others without thinking. We are to choose wisely the company we keep. Our 'right place' is within the company of God. In so doing, he doesn't challenge us to do things which end up in us getting hurt - in fact, he does things which build us up, meeting the desires of our heart like no other can.

Open up with God. When we trust someone enough, we find it easy to open up with them - to be genuine. I have all kinds of "friends", but only a few who I'd trust enough to see my "real me"! In other words, I trust them with my fear, my hopes, and my silly ideas - even my bad moods and tender emotions. God is this kind of companion - one who doesn't laugh in our face when we have a silly idea! He takes each idea as a serious matter - helping us to come to the revelation on our own of just how silly it is. Some find it hard to open up to anyone in their lives. You might like to begin with God. Trust him to see your hurts - he knows them already. Trust him to hear your "brilliant ideas" - he won't laugh, but he will help you clarify them and make them even more "brilliant".

We learn to trust the one who can protect us like no other. Then we develop relationship with him - through keeping frequent company with him. This leads to being able to open up with him - sharing what otherwise would be kept to ourselves. In the end, we learn to quiet down before him - settling in for the enjoyment of his presence. God allows us to be us. When we quiet down before him long enough - we begin to enjoy the presence of his company. In time, we learn to sense when he is about to move - and we are ready to move with him. In fact, we almost can fill in the sentences when he is about to speak, just like we do with the good friends we have come to enjoy frequent company with. Want to be in the place to receive the "best" - then get to know the "best". Just sayin!


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