Traveling well

Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. (Robert Frost)

Show me the path where I should go, O Lord; point out the right road for me to walk. (Psalm 25:4)

Which path have you taken - the one less traveled by, or the one that has been traveled well? It is fine to follow a well-worn path for a period of time, but it could just be the 'wear and tear' of that path is greater than your life can handle. The one less traveled by may be a little scarier at times, but I have found the discoveries along it are greater than I could have ever imagined.

There is a 'right road' for us to travel - it is seldom the easiest, nor is it the most 'frequented' by the masses. Does it make us 'odd' for choosing that path? No, it might just mean we are a little more 'intimidated' by the one everyone is taking than we are when we step onto the one that is marked with 'faith markers' all along the way. Why do I call them faith markers? There will be much faith required to take the path because it might not be as 'well-defined' as the other path.

While it is not 'well-defined' on maps and charts, it is 'well-marked' by these 'faith-markers'. God will meet us at each and every one of those 'faith-markers' as we travel this path. In those meetings with him, we find there comes this process some call 'sanctification' - but I shall refer to it as being set right so we can walk right. In meeting with him along each leg of the path, we find he challenges our beliefs, thereby increasing our faith. He opens some doors, leaving others closed, thereby bringing assurance we are on the right path.

I cannot say I have always been consistently following this path 'not well traveled by' throughout my days, but I have chosen it much more than I have the well-traveled one. Sometimes it seems like I am traveling it alone, but even within the solitude of these travels, I am joined at various junctures by others who have chosen this path, as well. We bolster each other and continue our walk. Along the way, we learn from each other, encourage one another, and help each other remain consistent in following the path. We may not be on the 'well-traveled' one, but we are 'traveling well'! Just sayin!


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